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walking the walk

Well don't tell anyone. I'm doing the couch to 5k running programme after years of denial due to arthritic knees and feet. I decided that it was time to put my money where my mouth is and do the 'valued activity'. I've spent plenty of time working on mobility and hip stability but was still making excuses. You know the ones; I haven't got time, I need good footwear but it will be a waste of money if I really don't find the running to be enjoyable, every one will laugh at me..... So how's it going? Well thanks. Some runs are harder than others, my knees are certainly no worse and my feet getting over the shock. I haven't heard anyone laughing and now I don't care if I do. I definitely have more energy in the evenings and I am enjoying the time I'm spending purely on me, for me. For info, I'm using the NHS app. Jo Whiley accompanies me at the start of each week with empathy and encouragement. Some runs I do with Michael Johnson because he's too scarey to let down. Maybe I'll see you out there sometime?