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Proud to have done (and still be doing) the training

About 15 years ago Osteopaths moved away from a voluntary Register and we all had to re-apply for the title 'Osteopath' in order to become a member of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). It was a hard process causing a lot of work and anxiety but it has meant that the title 'Osteopath' is protected in the UK. Nobody may use the title unless they are properly trained, (usually a minimum of 4 years full time education,) insured, and regulated. We all have to reapply for the title yearly and provide proof of good character and a minimum of 30 hours Continued Professional Development.

You should never be embarrassed to ask anybody who calls themselves a therapist, back pain expert, physical therapist or even osteopath, physiotherapist or chiropractor about their training and continued education. If they've done it they will be proud to tell you all about it.