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Dunelm Osteopaths

Osteopaths use gentle manual techniques to encourage your body to work to its best advantage.

What We Treat

Our patients present with a wide variety of conditions, some of which are listed below. We work to ensure that your body mechanics are working as well as possible, rather than giving labels. As a guide if something hurts when you move it, we're interested. Please do not hesitate to call and have a chat if you are not sure if osteopathic treatment can help your symptoms, if we don't think we can help we will tell you.

Commonly treated conditions include

  • Back and neck pain
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Postural strain, perhaps due to driving, work, pregnancy etc
  • Shoulder, arm and hand problems
  • Pelvis, hip, knee pain including sciatica
  • Foot and ankle difficulties
  • Injuries from sports or falls

Still not sure? Here are some questions to help you….

  • Is your back pain, neck-ache or joint soreness getting you down?
  • Can you work or study comfortably or does pain get in the way?
  • Are work or going out and having fun an effort because you're too tired?
  • Why are you putting up with recurrent injury when it puts your life on hold?

Now why don't you explore what osteopathy can do for you? Call us 0191 3830677

The Clinic


Number 5,
Frankland Lane,
Tel: 0191 383 0677